PART TWO: STRUCTURAL QUESTIONS – Answer all following questions in the spaces provided
1) A) Farming: cultivation of crops and rearing livestock
B) Explain any three factors influencing farming:
- Temperature: some animals do well in hot or warm areas while some crops do well in cool areas
- Sunshine: needed for photosynthesis in which plants manufacture their own food
- Winds: important for pollination necessary for fruit and seed formation
- Moisture: inadequate moisture causes failed germination and retarded growth of crops
- Soils: deep soils favour growth of deep rooted crops while shallow soils favour growth of shallow rooted crops
- Altitude: Influences temperature determining type of crops and animals reared
- Terrain: Most crops do well on sloping land as it is well drained
- Aspect: slopes facing sun can support crop growing and animal rearing as they are warmer and wetter than slopes facing away from the sun
- Weeds: compete with plants for moisture, nutrients and sunlight leading low and poor quality yields.
- Insects: Locusts and army warms eat green leaves and stems and destroy everything. Others like tsetse flies transmit diseases
- Squirrels and mice eat newly planted crops and destroy harvested grains respectively
- Diseases: weaken and eventually kill plants and animals.
C) Compare shifting and extensive agriculture:
Shifting cultivation | Extensive agriculture |
2) A) Planets marked
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
B) Because Pluto is the farthest away from the sun
3) A) Energy: power or fuel must be fed machines to drive or to a do work
B) List of nonrenewable sources of energy:
- Coal
- Oil or petroleum
- Natural gas
- Uranium
- Methane
4) A) Transport: Movement of goods and people from one place to another
B) Significances of transportation:
- Facilitate movement of goods and people from place to another
- Making tourist attraction accessible
- Areas with good transport networks are likely to attract investors to setup industries
- Many people are employed in transport sectors like drivers.
- Settlements develop where transport routes converge
- Transport opens up remote areas for exploitation of natural resources like minerals
- Transport is a source of revenue to the government
- Improving standard of living
- Earns foreign exchange
5) A) On the map label countries marked A, B, C, D, E
A: Iraq
B: Saudi Arabia
C: Algeria
D: Sudan
E: Somalia
B) Significance of strategic location of Arab world:
- The region can be easily accessed by land or by water and air
- Arab world is distinguished by its strategic position from Non Arab countries
- Arab world links the three continents Africa, Asia and Europe
- It is surrounded by important water bodies, straits and canael giving multiple points of access
- Adding to its value, it is a source oil and other minerals
6) A) Settlement: a place where people live and work or interact
B) Four characteristics for rural community:
- Settlement size is small
- Density of population is low
- They are close contact with nature
- Settlements are chiefly concerned with primary activities
- Agriculture is the main occupation
- There is mainly poor infrastructural facilities
7) A) Mineral: A chemical compound which occur in the earth’s crust and which forms the bases of rocks
B) Methods of extracting minerals:
- Opencast mining: used when minerals lie near the earth’s surface
- Dredging or adit: method used to remove mud from mineral layer to be extracted
- Shaft or underground mining: method used when minerals lie very deep below the earth’s surface about 400 meter deep
C) Problems facing mining minerals in Puntland:
- Poor countries Lack capital
- Poor transport system
- Lack of skilled personnel
- Price fluctuation / lack of market
- Lack of power supply
- Small deposits are uneconomical
- Land locked countries lack suitable outlet
8) A) Earthquake: a sudden violent shaking of the ground mainly causing great destruction as a result within the earth’s crust
B) Level of the earthquake influence
- Town A receives most serious earthquake caused damage because it is located at the Epicenter nearest to the focus the origin of the earthquake
- Town B receives less damage than Town A because it locates some distance away from focus but strong seismic waves can cause damage lower than Town A
- Town C receives least earthquake violence. It receives less damage from seismic waves and fault line running near it.
9) A) filling table below
B) Problems facing investment in Somalia
- We have large deposits of minerals but we lack capital
- Poor transport system may hinder full exploitation Of large deposits in remote areas
- To exploit our natural resources we lack skilled personnel and depend o expatriates
- Somalia depends on agricultural exports which is affected by climatic variation, diseases and pests leading to low production
- Somalia’s exports are of low value as they consist of primary products / semi processed
- Local manufactures suffer unfair competition from abroad firms
- There is ignorance as some Somalis prefer to buy goods from overseas
- Political instability in some areas affected transportation in Somalia
- Low purchasing power as cost of manufactured goods is too high
- High cost of travelling due to high cost of fuel
10) A) Tourism: Process of travelling to other places for pleasure, business or education
B) Problems facing tourism in Somalia
- Insecurity
- Ethnic clashes in tourist attraction areas
- Illegal hunting of animals
- Terrorist attacks such as bombing
- International media gives negative publicity from Somalia
- Air fares /charges or prices from and to many parts of the world is in high cost
- Some tourists encourage poaching
- Tourism can cause young people to drop out of schools
C) Main tourist zones in Somalia:
- Lower Shebelle river with many swamps
- Lower Juba forest zone
- Sandy beaches both in Indian ocean
- The Gulf of Aden with uncrowned white sandy coasts
- Guban Desert region
- Goles Mountain Ranges
- Dhobey agricultural areas
PART THREE: Essay question – Answer any three questions
1) A) Factors Influencing location of industries
- A lot of capital is required in establishing and developing industries
- Industries are located near sources of raw materials to reduce transport costs
- They are located near main power supply to reduce transmitting power supply
- They are located where buyers of products are available or densely populated areas
- Labour intensive industries are located in densely populated areas where there is adequate and cheap labour force to reduce production costs
- Government policy: government decentralizes industries from urban to rural areas by providing incentives.
- Cost of land: In Places where land is expensive discourages industrial development
B) Significance of industrialization to Somalia
- Earns foreign exchange after exportation of manufactured industries
- Develops other sectors of the economy like education, health care, etc
- Industries employ people providing them with income
- Help people to raise their standard of living
- Industries has led to diversification of the economy
- Industrial exports help in balance of trade between Somalia and her trading partners
- Industries encourage establishment and development of towns
- Industrial countries can cause self-sufficient in industrial goods
C) Problems facing industries in Somalia
- Somalia lacks adequate capital for industrial establishment and development
- Has led to displacement of people by forcing them to leave the area to establish a industry
- Industries cause environmental degradation due to pollution they release into the air
- Industries suffer from the problem of raw materials
- Low purchasing power as cost of manufactured goods is too high
- Lack of s labour forcing government to employ expatriates
- It may also lead to poor management leading losses and eventually close down an industry
- Locally produced goods compete with imported ones leading to decline of local industry
- There is problem of high cost energy imported causing high cost products
2) In the process of Hydrological cycle
A) Name areas marked 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- Sunlight
- Clouds
- Evaporation
- Precipitation
- Ocean
B) Name rivers marked A, B, C, D and E
- A) R. Nile
- B) Niger river
- C) Senegal R
- D) R. Congo
- E) R. Zambezi
3) A) Climate: Average weather conditions calculated in a place for a long period of time
B) List of weather elements
- Sunshine
- Temperature
- Rainfall
- Humidity
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Wind direction
- Wind speed
- Cloud cover
C) Diagrams of instruments that measure weather elements
- Barometer
- Hygrometer
- Stevenson screen
- Six’s thermometer
- Anemometer
4) A) label Physical regions of Somalia
- Guban coastal region
- Goles Mountain Ranges
- Ogo plateau Region
- Hawd Physical Region
- Nugaal lowland region
- Deeh coastal region
B) Dhobey human activities
- They cultivate crops
- They also rear animals
- It is an industrial region
- Trading activities is important in the region
- Fishing activities is common around rivers
5) A) Name world’s main fishing grounds Marked ….
- North-eastern Atlantic fishing ground
- North-eastern Pacific fishing ground
- North-western Atlantic fishing ground
- South-east Atlantic / Gulf of Guinea fishing ground
- North-eastern Pacific fishing ground
- Coastal Peru fishing ground
B) Challenges facing fishing in Somalia
- Inadequate market due to low purchasing power and availability of fresh animal meat and agricultural products along coastal areas
- Somalia lacks adequate capital for industrial establishment and development
- Has led to displacement of people by forcing them to leave the area to establish a industry
- Industries cause environmental degradation due to pollution they release into the air
- Industries suffer from the problem of raw materials
- Low purchasing power as cost of manufactured goods is too high
- Lack of s labour forcing government to employ expatriates
- It may also lead to poor management leading losses and eventually close down an industry
- Locally produced goods compete with imported ones leading to decline of local industry
- There is problem of high cost energy imported causing high cost products
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