1 A
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 D
6 A
7 A
8 B
9 A
10 C


1 B
2 C
3 D
4 A


1) A) a volcano is a rupture in the crust of a planetary object like the earth   that allows hot lava, ash, and gases to escape from the magma chamber   below the surface.

B)  A= vent  B=lava  C=crater  D= Magma chamber

2) A) Migration: Movement of people from one place of residence to     another

B) i) Somalia natural increased: 40 – (13.3 + (-7.5) = 40-5.8 = 34.2 x   100/1000 = 3.42%

ii) Ukraine natural increased: 10.5 – 14.4 = -3.9 x 100/1000 = –   390/1000 = – 039%

iii) Ukraine population is decreasing

3)  A) Solar system: a group of heavenly bodies comprising the sun and its 9 planets that revolve around it

      B) Consequences of earth’s rotation around the sun include:

    • Day and night
    • Difference of 1hr between two meridians 150 apart
    • Deflection of winds and ocean currents
    • Daily rising and falling of tides (high and low tides)

4) A) Trade: buying and selling of goods and services between two persons,   firms or countries

 B) Problems facing Trade in Somalia:

    • Somalia depends on agricultural exports which is affected by climatic variation, diseases and pests leading to low production
    • Somalia’s exports are of low value as they consist of primary products / semi processed
    • Local manufactures suffer unfair competition from abroad firms
    • There is ignorance as some Somalis prefer to buy goods from overseas
    • Unexpected trade restriction is sometimes imposed on Somalia’s export goods
    • Inadequate transport and communication as most roads are poor and impassable during rainy seasons / goods can’t reach market hence increased costs for goods

C)  Solution to problems facing trade in Somalia:

    • Join to an important trading group like COMESA / promote regional integration
    • Improve quality and quantity of its export goods
    • Improve foreign relations, peace and security
    • Facilitate trade and economic liberalization
    • Improve regional transport and communication infrastructures
    • Has to explore markets in far east Asia where population number is too high

 5) A) From map of Arab world name countries 1, 2 and 3

    1. Morocco
    2. Oman
    3. Mauritania

B) Explaining two food security problems:

  • Producing food in Arab world is challenging
    • variable weather patterns
    • water scarcity
    • Degraded land resources
    • Pests and diseases
  • They use a lot of many to import staple crops to feed their people
  • Produce great diversity agricultural products where soil, climate and water is plentiful
  • Arab countries raise animals which provide egg, milk, meat, skins and hides
  • Fishing is also an important industry since many countries of Arabs have long water boundaries like Somalia.

6) A) Mining: Extraction of mineral ore and oil from the earth‘s   crust

B) Problems facing mining in Puntland:

    • Some countries with large deposits of minerals lack capital
    • Poor transport system may hinder full exploitation Of large deposits in remote areas
    • Many developing countries lack skilled personnel and depend o expatriates
    • Some countries have small deposits which is uneconomical to exploit
    • Price fluctuation is also a contributory problem associated with mining
    • In some places exploitation may be hindered by lack of power supply

 C) Solution to problems facing mining in Puntland:

    • Barrowing money from Banks and friendly countries to finance extraction of minerals
    • Development of skills related to mining
    • Encourage to develop power supply specially renewable energy
    • Improve environmental performance
    • Rehabilitating abandoned land after minerals have been exhausted
    • Development of transport link and infrastructures
    • Development of minerals related industries and skills

 7) A) Agriculture: cultivation of crops and rearing livestock

B) Problems facing pastoral farming in Somalia:

    • Shortage of water and pasture
    • Pests and diseases
    • Overstocking causing overgrazing
    • Lack of extension and veterinary services
    • Low level of education and culture
    • Poor pasture resulting from poor soil
    • Loss of livestock life
    • Poor transport and communication
    • They rear indigenous cattle like zebu and boran
    • Small local market as population is sparse

C) Solution to Problems facing pastoral farming:

    • Encouraging pastoralists to ranching in order to improve quality of their animals
    • Improvement of water supply in drier areas by sinking boreholes, wells, etc
    • Establishment of ranches to sensitize on better methods of animal farming
    • Construction of cattle dips and sitting animal pests and diseases organization
    • Teaching pastoralists about advantages of keeping manageable size of herds
    • Encouraging them keep smaller number of animals to solve problem of low quality
    • Ploughing and resaving pasture / nourishing drought resistant grasses
    • Purchasing pedigree animals and cross breeding with indigenous animals


1) Study map grid reference and answer related questions:

A) Convert Ratio 1:100,000 scale into:

    • Representative Fraction: 1/100,000
    • Scale statement: 1cm to 1km

B) I) Distance, bearing and direction of X from Y: 2.5 km; 1350 SE

II) IF 1CM = 500M ; 10CM = 10 X 500M = 5000M = 5000/1000 = 5KM

C) Area of triangle abc = S: 1KM; S2: 1KM X 1KM = 1KM2


=TOTAL= 14 KM2 + 3 KM2 = 17 KM2

  2) A) Comparison between domestic and international tourism

Domestic tourism / Somalia International tourism /
  1. Somalia has more physical features attract tourists than overseas areas
  2. Somalia’s climate is hot all the year
  3. Somalia has tropical wildlife like elephant, giraffe, rhino, hippo etc
  4. Somalia is richer in traditional culture due to different activities practiced
  5. Somalia has marine attraction
  1. In overseas countries rivers, deserts, dry valleys, beaches, hot springs etc attract tourists from Somalia
  2. In overseas countries touristic period is a cold season
  3. Overseas countries esp. Europe has sub-polar wildlife like reindeer
  4. Animals are kept in zoos
  5. Overseas countries has icecap landscape attraction and holly days games like skiing

 B) Problems facing tourism in Somalia:

    • Insecurity
    • Ethnic clashes in tourist attraction areas
    • Illegal hunting of animals
    • Terrorist attacks such as bombing
    • International media gives negative publicity of Somalia
    • Air fares from and to many parts of the world is in cost
    • Some tourists encourage poaching
    • Tourism can cause young people to drop out of schools

 C) Possible solution to tourist problems:

    • The government is increasing security patrols in tourist areas
    • Preaching peace among the tribes since clashes fuel ethnic hatred
    • Using game rangers to patrol game parks to hunt for illegal hunters and banning trade in game trophies
    • Security personnel are being trained on ways of detecting and countering terrorists
    • There should be established tourism promotion bodies in foreign countries to report positively to counter lies
    • Air fares should be lowered to encourage tourists coming Somalia as tourists

3)  A)  i) Manufacturing industry

 B) Differentiation between primary and secondary industry

Primary industry Secondary industry
Industries involved in exploitation of natural resources like mining, fishing, agriculture, forestry etc Industries rely on primary products and make final products directly from raw material like sweets, bread, cement, cigarette, pulp and paper industries

B) Factors affecting development of industries:

    • Capital: a lot of capital is required in establishing and developing of industries
    • Raw materials: industries are located near sources of raw materials to reduce transport costs.
    • Power supply: industries are located near source of main power supply to reduce cost of transmitting power
    • Market: industries are located where buyers of products are available in densely populated areas to make a profit.
    • Labour supply: Intensive industries are located in densely populated areas where is adequate and cheap labour to reduce production cost
    • Water supply: Some industries are located near sources of large water supply to provide water for processing raw materials and for washing.
    • Investment incentives designed to move economy in specific areas

   C) Problems facing industries in Somalia:

    • Somalia lacks adequate capital for industrial establishment and development
    • Has led to displacement of people by forcing them to leave the area to establish a industry
    • Industries cause environmental degradation due to pollution they release into the air
    • Industries suffer from the problem of raw materials
    • Low purchasing power as cost of manufactured goods is too high
    • Lack of s labour forcing government to employ expatriates
    • It may also lead to poor management leading losses and eventually close down an industry
    • Locally produced goods compete with imported ones leading to decline of local industry
    • There is problem of high cost energy imported causing high cost products

 4) A) Fishing: The act of catching fish and the other aquatic   animals for food or for commercial

B) i) Somalia fishery landing sites:

    • Fresh water fisheries in Somalia like rivers Shebelle and Juba fishing grounds
    • Marine fishery landing sites such as
      • Northern fishery landing sites eg Zeila, Berbera, Mait, Las Khorei, Bosaso etc
      • North-eastern fishery landing sites eg Bargal, Hordia, Hafun, Baila, Eil, Obio, etc
      • Southern fishery landing sites eg Mogadishu, Marca, Ell-Ahmed, Brava, Kismayo etc

ii) Reasons responsible for low fish eating condition in Somalia:

    • To catch fish they use simple tools
    • Nomadic herders obtain sufficient from their animals
    • In Dhobey or agricultural areas people use crops and animals for food
    • Fishing activity is not mainly practiced in Somalia except around coastal villages
    • Somalis are low in fishing skills
    • They don’t have suitable technology for fishing
    • They are careless off proteins in fish meats

 b) i) Subtract 100 tons from 500 tons = 500 – 100 = 400 tons

ii) Reason for this decline in NE coasts:

Marine negative activities like strong hurricanes and waves washed badly coastal areas of this region in 1973-1974. Fishing materials like fleets / boats, machines and processing Industries were destroyed by high currents.

 5) A) Define terms:

    • Transportation: Movement of goods and people from one place to another
    • Communication: Transferring information from one person or place to another

 B) Problems facing transportation in Somalia

    • Some regions are land locked
    • Regions have rugged relief due to presence of valleys and mountains
    • Lack of adequate capital for establishment and maintenance of roads, rails, airfields etc
    • Political instability in some areas affected transportation in Somalia
    • Low purchasing power as cost of manufactured goods is too high
    • High cost of travelling due to high cost of fuel
    • Colonialists constructed railways of different gauges which makes extension difficult.

C) Possible solutions for the above stated problems

    • Land locked countries have to develop good relations with their neighbors to use friendly their ports.
    • Construction of passes and tunnels through mountains
    • Widening and deepening of river channels through dredging and construction of dams
    • To set peace mission in the affected countries to restore stability
    • Manage and conserve available alternative sources of energy in their countries
    • Several African countries have to change the pattern of roads and railways to join their countries together in transportation